Escape Sequences in Python

In these articles, you will delve into the foundational elements that shape the syntax and structure of Python programs: comments, escape sequences, syntax errors, and the ever-useful print statements. In this article, we’ll introduce with Escape Sequences in Python.

Escape Sequences in Python

Escape sequences in Python are special characters that are represented by a backslash \ followed by a specific character. These sequences are used within strings to represent characters that are either hard to type directly or have special meanings. Let’s explore some common escape sequences in Python:

Newline (\n):

The \n escape sequence is used to insert a newline character. It is often used to create line breaks in strings.

# Output:
# Hello
# World!

Tab (\t):

The \t escape sequence is used to insert a tab character, creating horizontal indentation in the string.

print("This is a\ttab.")
# Output:
# This is a    tab.

Single Quote (‘) and Double Quote (“):

To include a single quote within a string surrounded by single quotes, or a double quote within a string surrounded by double quotes, you can use the \’ and \” escape sequences, respectively.

print('He said, "Python is awesome!"')
# Output:
# He said, "Python is awesome!"

Backslash (\):

The \ escape sequence is used to represent a literal backslash within a string.

print("This is a backslash: \\")
# Output:
# This is a backslash: \

Unicode Escape (\uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX):

Unicode escape sequences allow you to represent Unicode characters using their hexadecimal code points. \u is followed by four hexadecimal digits, and \U is followed by eight hexadecimal digits.

print("This is the euro symbol: \u20AC")
# Output:
# This is the euro symbol: €

Carriage Return (\r):

The \r escape sequence represents a carriage return, moving the cursor to the beginning of the line.

# Output:
# World!

Backspace (\b):

The \b escape sequence represents a backspace, moving the cursor one position to the left.

# Output:
# Pythonic

Form Feed (\f):

The \f escape sequence represents a form feed, advancing the cursor to the next page.

print("Page 1\fPage 2")
# Output:
# Page 1
#       Page 2

Vertical Tab (\v):

The \v escape sequence represents a vertical tab.

print("Line 1\vLine 2")
# Output:
# Line 1
# Line 2

Alert or Bell (\a):

The \a escape sequence represents an alert or bell sound.

# Output:
# Beep! (you might hear a beep sound)

Octal Escape (\o, \oo, \ooo):

Octal escape sequences allow you to represent characters using their octal (base-8) code. \o is followed by one to three octal digits.

print("Octal: \o45 \o130 \o12")
# Output:
# Octal: % X

Here is a table summarizing the escape sequences

Escape SequenceDescriptionExampleOutput
\tTabprint("This is a\ttab.")This is a tab.
\'Single Quoteprint('He said, "Python is awesome!"')He said, “Python is awesome!”
\"Double Quoteprint("She said, 'Python is amazing!'")She said, ‘Python is amazing!’
\\Backslashprint("This is a backslash: \\")This is a backslash: \
\uXXXXUnicode Escape (four hex digits)print("Euro symbol: \u20AC")Euro symbol: €
\UXXXXXXXXUnicode Escape (eight hex digits)print("Smiley face: \U0001F604")Smiley face: 😄
\rCarriage Returnprint("Hello\rWorld!")World!lo
\fForm Feedprint("Page 1\fPage 2")Page 1<br> Page 2
\vVertical Tabprint("Line 1\vLine 2")Line 1<br>Line 2
\aAlert or Bellprint("Beep!\a")Beep! (audible alert)
\o, \oo, \oooOctal Escape (1 to 3 octal digits)print("Octal: \o45 \o130 \o12")Octal: % X
Table Summarizing Escape Sequences

Happy Coding!

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