This simple python code would turn a bunch of images into a neat PDF. No fuss, no frills—just a straightforward way to bring your pictures together. Whether you’re creating a presentation or organizing memories, this code simplifies the process. It’s like a digital glue that effortlessly sticks your images into a cohesive story, all neatly packed in a PDF. Let’s dive in and check how the code works.
What this code does:
1. Takes a folder containing images that you need joined and converted into a pdf format.
2. This folder can contain any amount of images you need. But they need to be ordered in the order of page numbers. So your page 1 should be an image numbered 1 and so on.
3. Then this code will compute the number of images in the folder. We have used os.listdir in order to do this. Like this:
for element in os.listdir(folder_dir):
element_path=os.path.join(folder_dir, element)
if os.path.isfile(element_path):
4. In order to be converted into a pdf format, each image needs to be in RGB mode. So next we have converted each image into RGB mode. This is done using Pillow.
5. Make a python list of images, and append each RGB converted image in this list.
6. Use :
image_set[0].save(r'C:\Users\location\my_images2.pdf', save_all=True, append_images=image_set[1:])
Where image_set is the list of RGB modified images. Here, the first image of the list is converted to PDF and rest of the images are appended to it.
Final Code :
# import the modules
import os, os.path
from PIL import Image
# get the path/directory
folder_dir = r'C:\\Users\\manas\\Coding Playground\\PythonP\\One Piece Scraper\\chapters\\ch1\\'
# get number of elements in directory
for element in os.listdir(folder_dir):
element_path=os.path.join(folder_dir, element)
if os.path.isfile(element_path):
# print(num)
image_set = []
counter = 1
while(counter <= num):
image ="C:\\Users\\Location" + str(counter) + ".jpg")
image_mod = image.convert('RGB')
counter += 1
image_set[0].save(r'C:\Users\Location\\my_images2.pdf', save_all=True, append_images=image_set[1:])
folder_dir : This is the folder location of the images
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