Python WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) Guide

Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) enables seamless communication between web servers and python applications. It is a a python web interface. Python and python web frameworks like Django, Flask run on WSGI servers. WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) governs how the web server interacts with these applications. The WSGI server has a significant impact on the performance of Python and its web framewoks.

What is WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)

Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) is a specification that defines a standard interface for web servers to communicate with web applications or frameworks written in Python. It explains how the applications can be chained together to generate requests. With a standard interface for routing web apps and frameworks to web servers, WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) acts as a bridge between servers and applications. It allow the exchange of information between servers and applications in a standardized manner. WSGI provides a uniform protocol. This, thus, makes it possible to mix and match web servers and frameworks seamlessly.

The Birth of WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)

In the early 2000s, python frameworks like Django or Flask were becoming popular. Python developers needed a common interface that would allow interoperability between different web servers and frameworks. This need led to the creation of WSGI in 2003 as a collaborative effort within the Python community. It was proposed as PEP-0333, the Python Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) by Phillip J. Eby.

The Role of WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)

The primary role of WSGI is to act as an intermediary layer between web servers(like Apache or NGINX) and web applications.

Primary components of WSGI Framework

The two primary components of the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) are the server and the application.


The server component in WSGI receives HTTP requests from clients. A few WSGI gateways or servers are Gunicorn, uWSGI, or Waitress. It then forwards them to the application. On receiving the response from the application, it sends this response back to the clients. It acts as the layer between the web application and the web server. The server invokes the application’s callable object to process requests. It also handles the details of network communication, managing connections, and dealing with low-level aspects of the HTTP protocol.


The application component in WSGI refers to the web application or framework that follows the WSGI specification. Examples of these frameworks include flask, django and bottle. It is a callable object (usually a function or an object with a call method) that receives the HTTP request from the server, processes it, and generates an HTTP response.

The WSGI server and the WSGI application work together to handle web requests.

Let’s see how it works:

  • A request from the client is received by the server (like Apache or NGINIX).
  • The server (like Apache or NGINIX) passes this request to the WSGI server (Web Server Gateway Interface).
  • The WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) server then dispatches this request to the appropriate application or framework based on the URL.
  • The application receives and processes the request.
  • The application then generates a response that is sent to the WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) server.
  • The WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) server sends the request to the web server (like Apache or NGINIX).
  • The server (like Apache or NGINIX) now send the request to the client.

This communication flow between the server and the application adheres to the WSGI protocol and allows for interoperability between different servers and applications.

By separating the server and application concerns, WSGI enables flexibility, scalability, and interchangeability. It allows developers to choose different WSGI-compliant servers and use them with various WSGI-compliant applications or frameworks, promoting modularity, code reusability, and ease of deployment.

WSGI Servers:

There are several WSGI servers available, each with its own set of features and performance characteristics. Let’s take a closer look at some of the popular WSGI servers:


Gunicorn (Green Unicorn) is a widely used WSGI server known for its simplicity and scalability. It supports various worker models and is designed to handle multiple concurrent requests efficiently. Gunicorn is easy to use and can handle high traffic loads.


uWSGI is a powerful and flexible WSGI server that supports multiple protocols and can serve both Python and non-Python applications. It offers advanced features like load balancing, caching, and process management. uWSGI is often preferred in production environments where high performance and customization options are required.


Waitress is a lightweight WSGI server designed for simplicity and ease of use. It focuses on serving WSGI applications efficiently without unnecessary complexities. Waitress is often chosen for small to medium-sized applications where simplicity and ease of configuration are essential.


While primarily known as an asynchronous networking library, Tornado also includes a WSGI server component. Tornado’s WSGI server leverages its asynchronous architecture to handle high concurrency efficiently. It is often used in applications that require real-time capabilities, such as chat systems or streaming platforms.

WSGI Frameworks:

There are numerous web frameworks that adhere to the WSGI specification. These frameworks provide higher-level abstractions and tools to simplify web application development. Let’s explore some popular WSGI frameworks:


Django is a robust and feature-rich web framework that follows the WSGI standard. It provides a full-stack development experience and includes components for URL routing, templating, database integration, and more. Django’s batteries-included approach and emphasis on convention over configuration make it a popular choice for building complex web applications.


Flask is a lightweight and flexible web framework that also adheres to the WSGI standard. It focuses on simplicity and allows developers to start small and scale up as needed. Flask provides the essentials for building web applications without imposing strict conventions. Its modular design and extensive ecosystem of extensions make it suitable for a wide range of projects.


Pyramid is a flexible and scalable web framework that emphasizes flexibility and minimalism. It adheres to the WSGI specification and provides a solid foundation for building both small and large-scale applications. Pyramid’s philosophy of “pay only for what you need” allows developers to customize the framework according to their specific requirements.


Bottle is a lightweight WSGI framework designed for simplicity and speed. It has minimal dependencies and a concise API, making it easy to get started with. Despite its small size, Bottle offers essential features such as routing, templating, and request handling, making it suitable for small-scale projects and APIs.


WSGI has revolutionized the way Python web applications are developed and deployed. Its standardized interface has enabled interoperability between various web servers and frameworks, making it easier for developers to build scalable and efficient applications. By understanding WSGI and leveraging the available servers and frameworks, developers can create powerful and flexible web applications while maintaining compatibility across different environments. Whether you choose Gunicorn, uWSGI, Waitress, or another WSGI server, and whether you opt for Django, Flask, Pyramid, or Bottle as your framework, WSGI will serve as the backbone of your Python web application, enabling seamless communication between your application and the web server. Embrace WSGI, and unlock the potential for building high-performance web applications with Python.


  • Is fastapi a wsgi framework?
  • Why use the WSGI rather than directly pointing the web server to the Django or flask application?

WSGI promotes code reusability, portability, and compatibility, making it a preferred choice for Python web application deployment. To read more about why you should use the WSGI rather than directly pointing the web server to the Django or flask application click here.

  • Is Nginx a wsgi server?

No, Nginx is not a Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) server. Nginx is a popular web server and reverse proxy server that is commonly used to serve static files, handle network protocols, and perform load balancing. It is known for its high performance, scalability, and efficient handling of concurrent connections. To read more about Ngnix, refer to this artcile.

  • Why use WSGI when we have Nginx?

While Nginx is a powerful web server and reverse proxy, it serves a different purpose than the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI). You can read about why using WSGI/ASGI in addition to Nginx is recommended here.

  • Does WSGI server connect to NGINX?

Yes, a WSGI server can connect to Nginx to create a powerful and flexible architecture for serving Python web applications. The typical setup involves using Nginx as a reverse proxy in front of the WSGI server. To know more about how to set it up you can refer to this article.

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